Our Human Resource policies are based on the principle of People First.
We firmly believe that our employees are our most important and valuable assets. We believe all our employees are part of a family, the Indorama Family. As part of this family, we treat all our members with respect, understanding, and compassion. We feel it is our responsibility to look after the welfare and wellbeing of our employees. We are also cognizant of the fact that this relationship has to be two-way, wherein employees are also committed and devoted to the sustenance and wellbeing of the organization.
For world-class HR functionality, we believe our human touch must be accompanied with world-class practices. Over many years, our HR function has developed many systems, practices, and tools to provide uniformity, transparency, growth, and personal development for our employees across various business units. This process is never ending and we are constantly striving to improve further.
Our Human Resource objective is to have High Performance, Morale, and Talent Retention. Our 7 drivers for that are (a) Performance Management, (b) Compliance, (c) Personal Development, (d) Talent Development, (e) Recognition, (f) Recruitment, and (g) Continuous Improvement. All of our efforts and initiatives are geared towards improving upon these drivers continuously.
We have a transparent and constructive performance evaluation process and we routinely use tools such as balanced scorecards and 360° appraisals. We also conduct diagnostic surveys periodically across the organization, including Employee Engagement Surveys and interdepartmental surveys.